Dis guide wuz provided by Sani, so if anyting is incorrect, pleeze see me ta get yer pitchfork an' torch. Da tar is warmin' an' da chickens have been defeathered. Hic!
The Lost Temple of Tegus is an INSTANCE - you will need a canoe and a Storm/Voltus character. Since it is an instance, the divinity bonus matters a lot!
Soloing the Instance
To solo this instance, I suggest using one of the following classes:
- Death Mage
- Brigand
- Slayer
- Stalker
For all classes, you will want to try to use Lightning Embers on your gear.
Death Mage (DM)
Add more STORM to your utility item and even your weapon.
Brigand or Slayer
- Try to have as much Lightning/Storm on your weapons.
- Be a good hider with 17 INT or higher, or have Sanguine to help you heal through being found and hit.
Similar to Brigand or Slayer, but there are many more variables.
You can have TANK pets or Attacking pets, depending on your race and charisma (CHR).
For high charisma classes (like Halfling or Elf)
- Your pets will perform better and hit harder, so go for Storm Div Pets with high attack agility (AGI).
For low charisma classes (like Saurian or Half-Orc)
- Your pets may not perform as well, but you will hit super hard, so just get TANK pets.

Sub Bosses
