Hi! My name is Wednesday and I’m a Goblin Dark Mage. My guild is called Novice and it’s named that because we try to aid new players in learning the ins and outs of the game. Life is very busy for us all and a new game can be hard to get used to so having a little bit of help along the way is a very nice thing sometimes. Especially when the tutorial is designed to get you into the world and killing things as quickly as possible. We step in where the tutorial ends, I guess you could say. There isn’t much about the game that those of us in the guild don’t know and most of us have been playing for quite a long while. Some of us have been playing since the very beginning, in fact!
Anyways. Enough about me. My friend Morgg asked me to hop on over here and teach you a few important things about Ember. He’s a great guy, minus his…uh…penchant for Halfling Stew and Fae Cupcakes. Both races are very wonderful and have their place in the world…and in his stomach. Well. Without further ado….here are the things about Ember-Online that are very good things for new players to know!
Oy! If yew think yew know enough, yew can click 'ere to go back home. Just be sure ta wear ya wata wingz wen eat'n halflin stews Hic!
Ember has multiple ways to move within the game world. The slowest is clicking the icons around the mini-map or the mini map itself.
You can also type the directions on the keyboard: north, south, east, west, up, and down. You can also shorten these to n, s, e, w, up, and down.
The fastest way to move is using the 10 keys (numpad) 8, 4, 6, 2, page up, and page down. You can also hold control and use the arrow keys, but it lacks up and down movement.
Macros allow you to set commands so you don't have to type them over and over. Who wants to type "attack Morgg" repeatedly?
They can be accessed in-game by hitting alt and going to options > macros.
They can also be set via commands from the chat window. Example: /set f1 attack morgg
You can also set the mouse commands from the in-game chat.
The icons above should show on your client at the bottom of the player panel. The sword and the two wands each control left, right, and middle click. When setting these, you can assign the action without a target.
/set Attack-#
will set one of the buttons on the sword icon. 1 sets left click, 2 sets right click, and 3 sets the scroll wheel click.
Example: /set attack-3 look
would set the scroll-wheel click to look at whatever you click in the player panel.
The wands are spell1-#
and spell2-#
Example: /set spell2-2 c rot
would set right click on the green wand to cast rot when clicking on an enemy.
/p playername message reaches out to a character if they are online.
/ap accountname message does the same for an account.
The game has 6 default global channels your account joins when you start each of the channels have a cooldown timer of 60 seconds.
You can speak in these channels by typing /nameofchannel or the number then the message. The channels and numbers are as follows:
- General (1)
- Help (2)
- Trade (3)
- LFG (4)
- Area (5)
- Zone (6)
Example for General: /1 Hello everyone!
If you are in a guild you can type /gc message to talk with your guild mates or you can also type 'message for guild chat.
If your guild is part of a faction you can type /fc message or "message.
If you join a party you can type /party message or ;message to speak with members of your party.
Other commands you should know that are not mentioned anywhere I know of:
- /useheal will use the first healing potion starting bottom right moving to top left.
- /usemana does the same for mana.
- /rget will allow you to pick up any common item without having to type /get itemname or clicking in the client.
- /i playername Allows you to view profile of player
First Character Recommendations
I would recommend a few characters to start with. Anything you want to play is fine, but if you choose one of these, it will allow you to do an OAD (quest that can be done only once a day) and get some gear.
If you are brand new, I would run all the quests you can from town to town till level 20, then follow the rest of the guide. But you can continue running quests past level 20 as well. The Ember wiki has a nice page that has information on most of the quests.
Da Kakegi Quest Line gives out decent level 20 gear. Da armor is usually da best choice. Hic!"
If you have decent gear already and want to hurry up and get to 25, BRING POTIONS!
Step 1: Visit The Bestiary.
Step 2: Look through the complete Bestiary and locate a monster with a higher level*** than you but that you have div on.
Step 3: Hit the monster with all but one stamina, then move to a safe square. Repeat until leveled.
*** The highest possible level you can regularly connect with without getting killed in one hit.
This is the fastest way to get from 1-25.
You should also complete CM's daily for bonus experience if you have a high enough level character. For more details, check out the Quest List.
CM Information
In Ember, there are different types of Champion’s Mark (CM) quests: Casual, Veteran, Hardcore, and Weekly. Here’s a breakdown of each:
- Casual: Minimum level 15 and rewards 1 CM.
- Veteran: Minimum level 21 and rewards 1 CM. This quest typically requires a group, but it can be completed faster if you find one.
- Hardcore: Minimum level 23 and rewards 2 CM. Most of these can be completed solo, except for Veteran quests, but finding a group will speed up the process.
Weekly: Minimum level 24 and rewards 5 Champion's Marks and 10 PP.
Weekly quests often involve OAD bosses and require a group to complete.
If yer lookin' fer a box in dat maze, try goin' south, west, then west again!
What to Do After Level 25
After reaching level 25, it's a good idea to join a guild if you haven't already. Being in a guild allows you to tackle some of the harder OADs (One-A-Day quests) that would be impossible to complete alone. Additionally, if your guild is part of one of the three factions in the game, you can help capture crystals from around the world. These crystals provide minor bonuses while held and also grant participants FP (Faction Points), which can be used in shops in Alderra.
Other things that can be done after reaching level 25 include:
Daily Dragons: Engage in challenging battles with daily dragons for DP(DRagon Points) that can be exchanged for Dragon items..
More Events: Participate in various in-game events that offer PP(Prestige Points) That can be exchanged for powerful items in Alderra.(some events do occur for chacters under level 25. JR Koth and JR Fight Club

An ember is the remnant of the burnt out flame of creation, bestowed upon the denizens of Ciruin.
In the game, embers are used to apply a boost to equipment's offensive and defensive abilities. They exist for all divinities except neutral, but also exist for holy and evil. They range from 1-3% normally, but special ones do exist in the game.
When applying an ember to your weapon, you want to use the one that matches your divinity. When applying an ember to armor, you want to place the ember on it that is the divinity that your own character's divinity is weak against, which would strengthen your defense when in combat against your divinity's enemy.
Example: An Earth div would use Earth on weapons but Fire on armor.
You gain embers by killing creatures in Ciruin—they sometimes drop upon death.
You can begin professions starting at level 16.
Itz not a bad idear ta wait till level 25, so ya don't get slowed down while levelin'."
A detailed write-up is available on the Ember wiki.
Each character can have 1 major and 2 minor professions, as well as inscribe.
For the first character, I would suggest picking up the minor professions of Mining and Scavenging. These can be started at level 16 and can be done while leveling, although it may slow you down a bit.
If you pick Mining and Scavenging, it will support 3 major professions: Weapon Smithing, Armor Smithing, and Jewel Crafting. Both Smithing professions use materials from Mining and Scavenging, while Jewel Crafting only requires Mining.
More DetailsEvery character can have Inscribe, but it's best to focus on maxing it out on one character for the slight bonus when disenchanting.
Inscribe allows you to create glyphs (known in-game as affixes) to add to equipment, providing various bonuses. This process uses remnants of equipment destroyed through disenchanting.
When you make or find equipment above level 20 that is green or higher, you can disenchant it to break it down into components based on its color for use in the Inscribe process to create glyphs.
- Green equipment breaks down into Seed of Terra.
- Blue equipment turns into Drops of Riva.
- Purple equipment becomes Shades of Nox.
- Orange equipment breaks down into Cinders of Pyron.
Important Quests
I can't do everythin' fer ya, but here are some resources for the good stuff. Hic!"
A mighty frightful weapon: Click here
Or maybe some armor to keep the trolls from stickin' ya: Click here
Do ya need a double div ember?: Click here